If you have serious network problems, do not hesitate to contact customer support for help. You don't have to have to deal with such problems.
IPv4 and IPv6
Due to the scarcity of IPv4 and the high prices associated with it, we have decided to run the servers primarily on IPv6. But so that you don't feel any restrictions (since some websites and services do not yet support IPv6), share an IPv4 address with everyone else on the server (usually 10-20 different servers), if you encounter restrictions such as a blocking etc., this is probably why. You are welcome to inform our support about this, but normally our hands are tied.
You have the option of booking your own IPv4 in support for an additional charge, but we do not officially offer this and do not guarantee availability.
A server (10-20 different Windows servers) is connected with 1 Gbits, so it can sometimes mean that some customers get less internet if downloads etc. are currently being carried out. However, we constantly monitor the consumption of the network, so if there are severe restrictions, we have the option to expand the connection at any time. Normally you get 200-900 mbits download and upload.
Each of our customers receives unlimited traffic, but on a fair use basis, which means we take the average traffic consumption of a customer. If one of them consumes excessive amounts, we take the right to temporarily throttle or even block their network connection, we take care of this Safety reasons so that customers do not consume excessive amounts. If there are any discrepancies, you are welcome to inform us about your activity on the server and if we find a good reason for the consumption, we can deactivate the limits for you.
Last updated